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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Vote with Your Feet

I watch Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Television program every day. It seems that when he reaches a subject that he can hardly stand to discuss, he will say, “If you don’t like your state’s laws, vote with your feet.” In other words, go someplace else to live. With this message ringing in my ears, I feel very sad about all the corruption that we are forced to tolerate to have a
decent place to live and yet it looks like it will not be decent for longer.
The United States has always been my first choice. I started visiting Europe when I owned a travel agency and then made my fair share of the three-week excursions to visit there. Even on my first trip It just seemed that so many people had some sort of scam going for themselves. It cost me three rolls of Kodak film just to make it through Customs in Spain on arrival on my first trip. At that time in history, I had never had this type of experience for any reason and I still have never learned just to accept it as we have done when someone
asking us for a tip for just doing their job that they are already getting paid for. It was just too blatant. I have enjoyed my trips to Europe but, I was always glad to return home and get away from this hassle.
I was a stock broker when the financial market went corrupt however, it was not an “in your face” type of movement like the Politicians made
in Washington. Many of the politicians do not even pay their taxes on the money that they are paid from our taxes; and
yet, they steal even more money from the same tax payers that was collected to run our government. What kind of people are these people who are managing our country?
However, things are changing here in the U.S. and

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