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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Harry Dent "The Great Crash Ahead"

Harry Dent was mentioned week on the Fox news show Freedom Watch. I knew Harry Dent’s new book had The Great Crash Ahead: Strategies for a World Turned Upside Down had come out in September.
Hearing Harry Dent mentioned again was exciting to me. I’m anxious to see what predictions he has for the upcoming years in his new book. I found the Roaring 2000s Investor really interesting and informative. The book provided a look into the future based on what was learned from the past
Harry is not afraid to state his opinions that are at times thought to be unusual or controversial. It is always good to hear what creative geniuses like Harry is thinking and take that information into account when making decisions about your future and finances.
Harry provides background information about all of his opinions, which I particularly enjoy. As we approach the end of this year it is important to think about the changes that are coming in the New Year as well as distant future and how to handle them.
Til Tomorrow… Pat

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