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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Where Do I go from here?

When I start wondering about the current Stock Market, all I can think of is:
What do I do now? Where do I go from here?   It makes sense to review all of my current financial holdings to determine whether I should sell or hold the investment.

Investments fall into three categories: “Buy” “Sell” or “Hold”.  With this in mind I am going to look at each one individually in order to decide what action I feel would be best. This question also comes up when I consider buying or selling stocks

When I trade stocks I usually start with looking at the overall condition of the Market.  The quickest way to do this is:

·         Run a chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Dow Jones Industrial Average.

·          Draw a trend Line on the chart – is it going up or down?

·         Check for Buy or Sell Signals.

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