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Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Overall Condition of th U.S. Economy

Election years are generally good for stocks.  However, as we approach the 2012 presidential election year, I would not even venture to speculate how it will impact the financial markets. 
Between the bad economy, the continued over spending of the government, the lies of the politicians, and civil unrest; it seems impossible to solve this country’s problems.

Judge Anthony Napolitano, on his daily TV program Freedom Watch, is doing a fine job of presenting why the United States should follow the guidelines set out by our forefathers in our Constitution. Judge Napolitano and many others believe the United States Constitution is the law of our land and should be strictly followed.

Where Do I go from here?

When I start wondering about the current Stock Market, all I can think of is:
What do I do now? Where do I go from here?   It makes sense to review all of my current financial holdings to determine whether I should sell or hold the investment.

Investments fall into three categories: “Buy” “Sell” or “Hold”.  With this in mind I am going to look at each one individually in order to decide what action I feel would be best. This question also comes up when I consider buying or selling stocks

When I trade stocks I usually start with looking at the overall condition of the Market.  The quickest way to do this is:

·         Run a chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Dow Jones Industrial Average.

·          Draw a trend Line on the chart – is it going up or down?

·         Check for Buy or Sell Signals.