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Sunday, August 14, 2011

This Is The Best of Times – This Is The Worst of Times For Our Country

The other day, I was looking for some books on the Internet when I ran across Jim Rogers’s new book, A Gift to My Children: A Father’s Lesson for Life and Investing. The thought came to me as how wonderful it would be if we parents had this book and took time to relay the messages to our children, especially at time in history when we are letting the politicians over-spend, increase the budget and then print more money. This debt will then be left to our children to pay off after we die or they will lose the country and their freedom.
I would hate to think how many more people would be homeless right now if we all managed our financial obligations in the same manner that the United States is managing theirs. Day by day we are all trying to learn to live within our monthly income. We do not always succeed but at least we try. This is more than I can say for our government.
I started reading Rogers’s investment books back in the 1980’s when I first got interested in the stock market. I have bought and read almost all of his books since then and he has become one of the leading authorities on investing today. His investing style is similar to Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch. Perhaps we could tip the scales of the future toward the best of times with a bit of Rogers’s advice and by taking a moment to instill those values into those who will champion that future.

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